A World Class Educational Institution
A World-Class Educational Institution
Founded in 1956, River Valley High School (RVHS) is a forward-looking educational institution steeped in history and eastern culture. Since it was founded more than 55 years ago, RVHS has nurtured many generations of Singaporeans and has garnered many awards and accolades.
In 1979, owing to her strong Chinese roots, RVHS was designated as a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) School. In 1994, RVHS was selected to be in the pioneer batch of six schools to be granted the Autonomous Status (AS). In 2006, RVHS was again given the green light to run the Integrated Programme (IP) by the Ministry of Education. These give RVHS its present status as an S.I.A. school, where S stands for SAP, I stands for IP and A stands for AS.
The school is committed to providing our students with a holistic education and we develop each child to his fullest in the intellectual, social, moral, emotional, physical and aesthetic domains. This is done through our Balanced Education Curriculum (BEC), which comprises the Cognitive-Interest Development Curriculum (CIDC), the Leadership-Character Development Curriculum (LCDC) and the Co-Curricular Activities Curriculum (CCAC). As a Special Assistance Plan (SAP), Integrated Programme (IP), and Autonomous school, we also seek to develop all students to be bicultural and effectively bilingual in English and Chinese.
- CIDC nurtures good habits of mind, critical thinking skills and knowledge construction, as well as prepares students for university admission. It is designed based on the ASK (Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge) learning culture and implemented with the TfU (Teaching for Understanding) Framework from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
- LCDC seeks to provide Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) for students. Through components like the CHAMPS* programmes, Overseas Experiential Learning Programme (OELP), Enhanced National Education (NE) and Values in Action (VIA) Programme and platforms like the Y.LEAD Seminar, LCDC aims to nurture students who practise values-based citizenship and leadership.
- CCAC develops the physical and personal interests of students through the wide range of co-curricular activities offered in RVHS. It also seeks to nurture in our students the 21st Century competencies necessary for their future.
*CHAMPS is an acronym for Character Education, Health Education, Active Citizenry, Moral Values, Physical Education and Student Leadership Development.
School awards
RVHS’ tradition of providing an excellent education for our students has been recognised consistently throughout the years. Here are a few of the awards we have received.
- School Excellence Award
- Singapore Quality Class
- Best Practice Award – Student All-Round Development
- Best Practice Award – Staff Well-Being
- Best Practice Award – Teaching and Learning
- Sustained Achievement Awards – Aesthetics, Sports, Uniformed Group
- School’s Green Audit Award